Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune Diseases

We see autoimmune disease as a wonderful system gone wrong, a system confused into attacking the self
rather than defending it. regardless where it hits (digestive system, nerves, joints...etc) we work on re-setting it and exploring those triggers

We take a comprehensive approach in dealing with autoimmune issues, from food & environmental triggers to nutrient deficiencies, we use medication to control the disease if needed while working on the underlying causes.

We work with these conditions:

· Hashimoto’s Disease
· Multiple sclerosis
· Connective tissue diseases (Rheumatoid, lupus, psoriasis…etc)
· Multiple allergies
· Sarcoidosis

Chronic Digestion problems

Digestive Issues

The gut is the place where a lot of problems start, it is by far one of the most important systems in your body many patients have food intolerances and sensitivities that they are not aware of, we also see a lot of patients with chronic infections are only manifesting with subtle digestive issues.

Not only is your digestive system important for nutrient extraction and absorption, but it also affects your mood and quality of life, most of the serotonin receptors (mood neurotransmitter) and Immune system reside in your gut.

We work with these conditions:

· Irritable Bowel Syndrome
· Inflammatory Bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Chron’s)
· Chronic bloating
· Chronic constipation
· Indigestion
· Heartburn and reflux

Hormonal Imbalances

Endocrine and Hormonal abnormalities

Inside your body, cells talk to each other through hormones. The human body secretes and circulates the some of 50 different hormones, our lifestyle, our food and aging affect all these processes and this imbalance would show up in many different problems.
Many times those unexplainable symptoms are due to discrete hormonal imbalance, we like to catch those imbalances early and work on optimizing the levels.

We work with these conditions:

· Thyroid issues (hyperactive and Lazy thyroid)
· Adrenal issues (Adrenal Fatigue, insufficiency and hyper-functions)
· Pre-diabetes and insulin resistance
· Diabetes (different types)
· Male and female sex hormones imbalance
· Polycystic ovarian syndrome
· Weight issues related to hormones

Chronic Fatigue and Exhaustion

Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are the two sides to the same coin, years back, for decades they were regarded as psychological in nature, however, over the past years new data and research has proven the imbalance is far beyond psychological.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are diseases of systems, the adrenal hormones, sex hormones, sleep and muscle system, are almost always affected.

When the mind suffers the body cries out but this is only one factor in the pathology of this condition.

Revive has created a unique program that addresses this condition in all aspects, our team of internists work on the subtle imbalances with our team of physiotherapists that work on all the muscle issues and trigger points commonly found in these patients. we approach this condition with a team approach.

Preventive- Pre-emptive Medicine/Care

Risk Management (Preventive Healthcare)

This is meant for chronic familial disease in people who may not have developed chronic conditions yet, but have family history of chronic conditions.

-Common familial diseases include:

-Heart diseases




-Your genes don’t have to be your destiny.

Our approach includes testing, screening & understanding your family history plus your own medical history. Risk management for prevention takes into consideration your whole lifestyle so we can manage it by risk stratification through a specific comprehensive plan.